2024 was a year of amazing success. But I’d be lying if it also wasn’t one of the hardest years of my life.
We entered our first year of running the business full-time, travelled to some pretty cool places, got to meet so many new people it was incredible.
January started the year off strong. Visiting our friend Meg of Halt Square in the beautiful, sunny state of Florida. There are no words to experience the horse world of Wellington!
February became the month of setting goals and planning for the season while attending some of the winter series Jackpots.
March became super busy as we planned for the Can-Am All Breeds Equine Expo. Getting to meet so many people there was such a highlight. So many of you from ALL over Ontario stopped by the booth and said hi.
April was a month of education. I strive to learn something new every day. To become the best photographer, videographer, business owner that I can be to support you and capture your memories.
May.. May was the month that life changed.
My sweet Gran, my inspiration, my role model, my best friend, gained her wings. This woman was the light to my world and still to this day, I struggle with the fact that she’s not here.
What started as a year of hope, excitement, adventure, quickly turned into a year of difficulties and grief. And while I think I did a pretty good job at pushing through, my heart was a million pieces on the inside. Everyone handles grief differently, and while I tried my hardest, I know I failed some clients in the process, from longer delivery times, to slower message response times. But it’s hard to explain how broken you are, or what you’re going through when dealing with grief, there’s nothing noticeable on the outside of anything being wrong. Some days are just harder than others..
We know Gran would not want us to sit around and be sad, so with my best effort, we continued the long summer run. May became a month of rodeos, horse shows, branding sessions and portraits. ‘
June continued to be the same with 2 trips to Ottawa. One for the Ottawa Dressage Festival and another for the Big Daddy Classic.
July was the month I got to see my best friend marry the love of her life and that healed some of the broken pieces. From rodeos to hunter/jumper shows to brandings to portraits, we were travelling. Through all that travelling, we headed home a few times to help my mom recover from a major surgery.
August was another busy month from NBHA, to a camping trip and helping my sister pick out her wedding dress, another moment that help heal some of the broken pieces.
September was jammed pack (you don’t want to see my calendar… ). We were at Canada’s Outdoor farm show with our friends at Durnin Farm and Ranch Wear (DFR), countless rodeos, a couple weddings, so MANY beautiful portraits, private clients at Caledon, and the wonderful Jane Melby Clinic hosted by DC Quarter Horses.
October was much the same, with a small break to head home for Thanksgiving. From the last regular rodeo to finals we covered some good ground travelling from Lindsey to Ancaster.
November was a fun month! We spent 6 days at the Royal Winter Fair with DFR! So incredible to see another local, Canadian, women run business be successful. Seeing Michelle’s business just blossom over the years and the amount of people that are excited for it, is amazing to see. We wrapped up November with a couple final portrait and branding sessions for the year.
December… Decembers been another challenging month. December became a month of self-care where I, myself, had to have surgery but also get through Christmas – Gran’s favourite holiday. It can be hard as a business owner to take that time you need for yourself. Time to rest, time for family and friends and time to recover. I know personally, my mind is constantly racing and if I’m not focusing on my business, its an overwhelming sense of guilt. But December was a month to change that mindset. To realize if I am not 100%, how can I be there for my clients.
It was a month to set some goals and get set up for the year of 2025 which I know is going to be filled with just as many highs and lows.
Through all this it was a good reminder that not everything we see on social media is real life. One of my goals going into the new year is to be more transparent. Show that life sometimes really sucks and that we are still trying to heal the broken pieces. Show the highs and all the glory from them and continue to build a supportive community.
So as we head into 2025, we are working on changing our mindset, taking the time we need, spending more time in the barn and truly showing up as our most authentic self. I can’t wait for all that is to come, meeting new friends and re-connecting with others.
If you are looking at booking a branding, horse and rider session or private client, reach out today!
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