If you have followed me for any time you know, to me, community is huge. It is something I value tremendously, something I encourage my Brand Ambassadors to carry with them all the time. Our community doesn’t just extend to our BA group, but our industry as a whole. This world is already hard enough to not have a supportive group around you.
I’ve recently had several people reach out in my Instagram messages and they are all new to this industry, both the horse world and photography. They’ve all stated they’ve reached out to others and it just hasn’t been a welcoming response so they were nervous to reach out again. That made me so incredibly sad! We need to do better.
Whether we are the big fish in the sea or the little ones, I think we all deserve to be supported, that we all have something to learn from each other and we can all help out someone in some way. No dream is too big or too little and I think if someone is capable of dreaming it, they most certainly can achieve it.
When envisioning what I wanted for Seafind Photography, community was and has always been at the forefront. This industry has given me so much and I want to do it even better. Our generation is leading the way for the next and its our time to step up.
So whether you are new to the sport, or just picked up your first camera, this will always be a safe space for everyone. I encourage you to go out today and do something good. Whether it’s an encouraging message to a friend, or helping your neighbour, let’s spread some positivity!